Every year, Reece's Rainbow has an
Angel Tree fundraiser. It's the biggest fundraising event of the year. The goal is to raise at least $1,000 in each waiting child's grant (kids with Down syndrome, 0-5 years old). Most of the people fundraising are regular people like you and me, who have hearts for the orphans but not necessarily tons of money burning holes in our pockets. But collectively, I have seen amazing things happen as lots of people contribute a couple of bucks here and there (of course, the fundraising effort very close to my heart is from two years ago when Lydia Hollis raised thousands of dollars in a matter of days for Darya!)
Meet Lilianna. She will be two this month, but as with most children in Eastern European orphanages, her birthday will pass just like any other day. She is a beautiful little girl who has Down syndrome. She also is missing her left hand, and because of these two things, I can say with confidence that she will not be adopted or fostered in her own country. She will be sentenced to institutional life. I know there are families who would adopt her, but from first hand experience, I know that money is the main obstacle between her and a family. Adoption is expensive, but if we can collectively help bridge that gap and help her get a family, it could literally change her life!
"What's that I hear? Is it change for me?"

I don't have any snazzy fundraising ideas, but am asking if all of you reading this post would please collect any spare change to donate that would be wonderful! Just get a jar and start dropping coins in there each day. After you have a few bucks in it, you can send it in to Reece's Rainbow for her grant. Maybe this is something you can do with your kids. Check your wallets, under the couch cushions, in the cup holders in your cars! We've got a tupperware full of change that I plan to take to the Coinstar machine at the grocery store. The kids and I will cash it in and send in to Reece's Rainbow however much it is. We'll also be saving any other change that we collect over the next several weeks. My 6 year old Nate has a knack for finding spare change in parking lots - he's collected 93 cents in the past month.....a penny saved is a penny earned! And in Lilianna's case, a penny donated is a penny closer to a family! Also, if you donate $35 or more to Lilianna's Angel Tree grant, you will get a keepsake ornament. We have done this for the past two years and will plan to get another one with Lilianna's picture on this year, too. It is a wonderful way to "share" the holidays with an orphan. You can hang her ornament on your tree and remember to pray specifically for her, that she would get a family. Also, if you save change with your kids, feel free to take a picture of it (be creative) and I'll post it on here. Here is one Sam, our 10 year old, did:

Tax-deductible donations can be made through Paypal by
going here and scrolling down to Lilianna's profile (then selecting the "DONATE" button under her photo), or by sending a check in the mail to Reece's Rainbow (be sure to designate it for Lilianna on the Angel Tree):
Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885
P.S. Just now as I was going to the Angel Tree page to see Lilianna's profile to share on here, I saw that she has $300 in her Angel Tree grant already! Wow!! Praise God! I have no idea who donated it, so a huge THANK YOU to whoever (or whomever?) did!! I'll be putting up a thermometer on my sidebar so we can track her grant. I'll be super excited to see it reach $1,000!