Friday, June 4, 2010

Nothing new to report

I really had good intentions on posting on here more often.  However, there is nothing new to report on the adoption front.  I thought we were supposed to have the final draft of our home study this week, but alas nothing in the mail.  I contacted our social worker and she was supposed to put it in the mail yesterday and send it directly to our regional USCIS office in Jacksonville. That is the only thing holding us back at this point.  The tricky part is that her current license expires on June 9 (Darya's birthday!) and she doesn't have her new one on hand yet.  So, hopefully USCIS will accept her current one, otherwise she can send a copy once her new license arrives.  I just want to get our FBI fingerprints done so we can get our "Golden Ticket" (aka: the U.S. govt's permission to adopt).  Once we have that, and everything for our dossier is complete we'll ship it off to Darya's country to translate, review, and give us an invitation. Please continue to pray that things will get rolling! This is definitely a test of my patience....refining fire ;-)

On another note, I shared this photo on Facebook this morning but thought I'd share it on here, too.  The hydrangeas and gardenias are in full bloom!  The boys helped me put some in a bouquet which we are now enjoying on the kitchen table.  I love how the Lord has given even the beautiful flowers for us to enjoy!


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog! That's neat you have ties to American Fork. We love our town! Little Darya is so precious. I'm excited for you and your family. She will be such a blessing. Best wishes!

  2. I commiserate with you as we sit in limbo-land, too. Like you, I am okay with things moving slowly as long as I can see that things ARE moving forward! It's sure hard waiting for someone else to hand over a vital piece of the puzzle!

    (((hugs))) & prayers that things will get moving for you SOON!
