Sunday, October 3, 2010

The home stretch

The 10 day wait period is over.  In fact today (Sunday) marks 11 days from court when we could technically bust Darya out of the orphanage for good. But alas that's just not going to happen today.  In fact, it won't happen until Tuesday.  Here's the tentative plan for this week:

Monday: Get the court decree and close Darya's bank account (all orphans have a bank account with money deposited from the government, and the funds will just get donated back to the orphanage. The orphanages rely heavily on donations to provide for their needs).

Tuesday: Get Darya's birth certificate (the birth certificate office is closed Mondays) and apply for her passport. This should also be GOTCHA DAY!  We anticipate a quick turnaround for her passport.

Wednesday and Thursday, or Thursday and Friday: US Embassy for medical and visa.

We are scheduled to fly home next Sunday (1 week!!), but if things go quickly we can possibly be heading home on Friday. There are no seats available for Saturday for our flight route, so I am praying we can go home Friday.  I can't wait!!!

"I'm ready to bust out of this place and go home!"


  1. Praying it is Friday too....I think it should all work out! SOOOO happy for you!

  2. YEAH!! YEAH!! Can't you just hear home calling you???

  3. Wow!! Hoping all things run smoothly and Darya and Mama are home with their family! Looking forward to seeing pictures of Darya with her family:)

  4. YAHOO!!! Bummer that we'll miss meeting by a day or two, but SO HAPPY that your little sweetie will be HOME SOON!!!

  5. Yea! Time to introduce her siblings.

  6. yeah you guys...hugs from New Zealand.
