Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The routine

Around 7:30 we wake up.
9:00 head downstairs to breakfast (the apartment has a restaurant and breakfast is included with our stay here).
9:30 meet our driver who takes us to the orphanage
10:00 arrive, give them our visitors card, and wait about 15 minutes for them to bring us Darya
10:15 - 11:30ish (plus or minus depending on how's she's doing) we play with Darya, usually outside
12:00 - 12:30 drive back to the apartment
12:30 - 3:30 lunch, walk around, etc.
3:30 - 4:00 drive to the orphanage
4:15 - 5:30ish play with Darya
6:00 - 6:30 drive back to the apartment
6:30 - 10:00pm eat dinner, walk around, get online, Skype, go to bed

We are really enjoying it here, but I can see how after a while this routine will get taxing (many refer to it as "Groundhog Day" like the movie).  I can't wait to have Darya home with us and have own our routine at home!  I want to be able to feed her, play with her, let her nap, bathe her, all on our turf! ;-)  Soon enough, I know.

Today has been 2 weeks since I've seen my boys.  It's not even the halfway point until I see them again.  How I ache to hug them and be with them again!  I want Darya to be home with us, with her big brothers!

We found out today that we will have court next week for sure, though we don't know the date yet.  We are hoping for earlier in the week so please pray for that!!  Most likely it will be Thursday or Friday.  That's still pretty good as far as timelines go here.

Oh, and today she came out with NO HAT in some fancy-schmancy outfit!!  She was in a much better mood today, probably because she wasn't burning hot in this 70 degree weather in her Cookie Monster fleece outfits and her cold is getting much better.


  1. She is so stinkin' cute. I think doing the same thing everyday would get old after awhile but at the same time you get to play with your new little girl! I'm sure it is killing you to be away from your boys for so long But soon, you will ALL be back together.

  2. It's as if my prayers were answered :) Didn't I just say yesterday that I really wanted to see more of that beautiful face? The funny thing....she and Ella have the EXACT same haircut right now. Ella lost a bunch more hair this past round so I chopped off the sides alot because they were looking so straggly. I would say they could grow their hair out together but I am afraid that Ella will lose the rest before it will start growing again. And by then, Darya will have a big jump on her. Oh, I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET HER!!! You guys better make it out here for the holidays (or somewhere soon thereafter :)

  3. Thats what I have been waiting for. A picture without the hat. Yes, thats the sweet face I remember. Ill have to send you pictures of Leeska. They look the smae. Its crazy!!! They cut off Leeska and Vanessas hair to. I wonder why they do that?? Anyways, she is so cute. It brings back so many memories. Have you ben able to meet up with Vivian and Lauras parents?

  4. Oh my sweetness. I was trying to go back and read a little of your story with Dayra. I am going to have to come back when I have the time. I could hardly get through the video and words you were writing... Love, Erin
